Updated 02/08/2025History Room - 442 Hewett Street | Neillsville WIMailing Address: P. O. Box 41 | Neillsville WI 54456Ph: 715. 743. 2150 Email: 1897ccjm@gmail.comWeb: 1897clarkcountyjailmuseum.com 2011-2025 - All Rights Reserved - 1897 Clark County Jail Museum Inc.
2. Gustav D Hosley 1859-1920Born 06/05/1859 Died 08/05/1920 Mercer WIBuried City of Neillsville Cemetery 1890 section
Obit: Hosley, Gus D. (? - 1920)Surnames: HOSLEY----Source: Clark County Republican & Press (Neillsville, Wis.) 08/05/1920Hosley, Gus D. (? - 2 Augl 1920)A telegram to Gilbert Johnson Tuesday from Mercer, Wis., stated that G.D. Hosley died their Monday night. Mr. Hosley had come from Boise,Idaho and after visiting friends here (Neillsville, Clark County, Wis.), went to Mercer, where he formerly operated as a logger to spend a fewweeks at a summer resort. His health had not been good for some time. Further particulars will reach here later. Burial will probably take place inthe family lot in the Neillsville Cemetery. His two sons, Ralph and Rex, are ranching in Idaho.(Follow on Obit in 8/12/1920 Rep & Press)Gus D. Hosley, who died at Mercer, Wis., Aug. 3, 1920, while on a visit there, was born June 5th, 1859, being the son of Mr. and Mrs. David Hosley. He grew to manhood on the home farm and at an early age took an active part in lumber operations and became widely known in this part of the state as a successful logger. His activities took him into various lines of work, and in later years he operated mostly in Idaho. His energy and good judgment led to business success. His keenness of mind, strength of body; his forward push, his plain blunt speech made him a conspicuous man wherever he went. He was however, generous, warm-hearted, honest and highly honorable, a man who stood for fair dealings and who scorned all manner of petty meanness.Mr. Hosley was married Nov. 19, 1888, to Carrie Raymond and to them were born two sons, Ralph and Rex, both of whom are living in Idaho. His wife died Nov. 1st, 1892. In 1897 he was again married to Miss Birdine Manes, who died June 1918 in Boise, Idaho.His two sons who are ranching in Idaho, Ralph at Meridian and Rex near Boise, left for Neillsville at once on receiving the news of their father’s death, arriving here Sunday. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon in the Congregational Church, the Iron Wedge Camp of Modern Woodmen, of which Mr. Hosley was a member, having charge of the ceremonies. Burial took place in the family lot in the Neillsville Cemetery.
----Source: CLARK COUNTY REPUBLICAN PRESS (Neillsville, Wis.) 12/15/1892Hosley, Carrie ( - 10 DEC 1892)They pass from this earth one by one. Death claims them. Mrs. Carrie Hosley, wife of G. D. Hosley, died at her home in the town of Pine Valley, Clark County, Saturday night, Dec. 10th, 1894.She was born in the town of Ashford, Fond du Lac County, and moved to this county with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Raymond, when four years old. She married G. D. Hosley, Nov. 19, 1888 they had two sons. Her death was hastened by receiving a fall which terminated in inflammation of the bowels.The funeral was at the residence at 1 o'clock Monday, Rev. Hendren officiating.Mrs. Hosley retained consciousness to the last, and informed friends gathered at her bed-side that she was ready to die. A floral pillow with motto "Carrie's at rest" And floral anchor were among the offering by friends. Some of the old time sacred hymns were sung at the funeral.