Updated 07/02/2024 History Room - 442 Hewett Street | Neillsville WI Jail Museum - 215 E 5th Street | Neillsville WI Mailing Address: P. O. Box 41 | Neillsville WI 54456 Ph: 715. 743. 2150 Email: Web: 2011-2024 - All Rights Reserved - 1897 Clark County Jail Museum Inc.
The 1897 Clark County Jail Museum was actually the Clark County (WI) Jail and Sheriff Residence from 1897 to 1978. By 1978 the County had built a new County Jail / Sheriff Department within the Courthouse complex in Neillsville. Also in 1978, the County Historical Society Inc. (CCHS) began working with community and County officials to save the building from being torn down. The CCCH entered into a lease for the structure and members and volunteers spent over a year making repairs and improvements to the building and ready for public tours. Beginning in 1980, the Society members and volunteers operated this Museum as one of two historic sites, along with their other programs. In 2008, the Jail Museum was separately incorporated as the 1897 Clark County Jail Museum, Inc. and is maintained and operated by this organization members and volunteers. Really two museums in one - visitors tour the beautiful Victorian home where each Clark County Sheriff and his family lived during their term of office (1897 to 1974). These families brought their own furniture and personal items with them to use while living in the residence and then took everything with them when it was time for the next Sheriff to move in. Today, the residence is filled with period furniture, art, books, musical instruments, as well as personal and household items that have all been donated to the Museum for display. The Jail portion of the Museum, in use from 1897 to 1978, was home for all Clark County WI prisoners and the Patrol and Sheriff Department. Still intact, this old County Jail is filled with vintage law enforcement items, archives, records and local historic items. The third floor of the Jail now serves as a military display.
215 E 5th St    PO Box 41   Neillsville WI  54456    Ph:  715-743-2150   1897 Clark County Jail Museum Inc.
History Room  Open Year Round  For Research Purposes  If you are interested in viewing Museum Records and Collections, visit the History Room at 442 Hewett St during scheduled hours or call to make an appointment.   If you are not from (or in) the area, tell us what you are interested in and our volunteers will do their best to find answers to your questions!  Call 715-743-2150 or 715-743-6234 to make an Appointment!
Visit During Our Summer Tour Season
Number of Visitors  since 11/26/2017 442 Hewett Street 215 E 5th Street
Jail Museum is Open for Public Tours   2nd and 4th Sundays  -   1:00 - 4:00 pm    June through August each year (no tours started after 3:30 pm)  See the Visit Us Tabs  for information on Private / Large Group / School Tours