Updated 02/08/2025 History Room - 442 Hewett Street | Neillsville WI Mailing Address: P. O. Box 41 | Neillsville WI 54456 Ph: 715. 743. 2150 Email: Web: 2011-2025 - All Rights Reserved - 1897 Clark County Jail Museum Inc.
215 E 5th St    PO Box 41   Neillsville WI  54456    Ph:  715-743-2150   1897 Clark County Jail Museum Inc.
City of Neillsville Historic Preservation Commission
4. George Huntzicker (1831 - 1915) Born 08/29/1831 Alsace Germany / Arrived in America 1849 Died 03/12/1915 Clarkston Washington Buried Hillside Cemetery Marshfield WI
Huntzicker, George (29 AUG 1831 - 12 MAR 1915) The remains of Geo. Huntzicker, Sr., who died at his home in Clarkston, Washington, Friday, March 12th, arrived here Tuesday of this week and were taken to the home of his son, Geo. Huntzicker, Jr., 610 South Cherry Street. They were accompanied here by the aged widow and their only daughter, Mrs. W.C. Brooks of Lewiston, Idaho. The funeral was held Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. from St. John’s Catholic Church with interment in Hillside Cemetery. Deceased was born in Alsace, Germany, August 29th, 1831, where he grew into manhood and learned the weavers trade. He came to America in 1849 and after a week’s stay in New York went to Litchfield, Connecticut to work in a woolen mill, and at the end of six months’ time was made superintendent. In 1851 he came to Wisconsin and with a brother was one of the first white men to inhabit Clark County, taking a homestead in the town of Eaton three miles south of where Greenwood is now located. The whole country then in Black River Valley was an unbroken forest in which bands of Chippewa and Winnebago Indians hunted and fought their battles. Mr. Huntzicker at once became an Indian trader and by his dealings with them he learned their language and habits. Sparta and Black River Falls were the nearest trading posts and all provisions, clothing and such had to be transported in packs, often times taking weeks to make the journey. In 1861, at Hartford, Wisconsin, deceased was united in marriage to Miss Margaret Meyer, who immediately left with her husband to make their home in the wilds of Clark County. It was here in this humble home the first white child was born, now Mrs. W.C. Brooks. The Indians, generally friendly, began to show signs of trouble and on three different occasions gave warning of intending massacre. On one of these occasions Mrs. Huntzicker fled in the night, carrying her babe in her arms, across Black River and through the woods to a place of safety, while the men folks remained to guard their home. The scene reached a climax when a man by the name of Petingill killed an Indian, but the intended massacre never took place. In 1883 the family moved to Neillsville where they resided until 1896, returning again to the farm where they continued to reside until 1901 when they disposed of the place and moved to this city. Three years ago accompanied by their son, Frank, they left Marshfield to make their home in the west, locating at Clarkston, Washington. The passing of Mr. Huntzicker marks the end of a long line of the early day pioneer lumbermen who first invaded the Black River Valley. He was a man of robust build, honest of purpose, with a heart in his manly bosom that had but one meaning, that of justice and right in all things. As a father and husband, he had the utmost respect and as a citizen and neighbor, his advice and words of wisdom were a guide to be followed. His life’s work was well done and to his memory there will ever live the kindliest remembrances. He is survived by his widow and three children, Mrs. W.C. Brooks of Lewiston, Idaho, Geo. Huntzicker, Jr., of this city and Frank, who resides at the family home at Clarkston. Out of town relatives present at the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith of Neillsville, John, William and Clara Huntzicker, Mrs. John Shanks, John McKenney and Thomas Fahey of Greenwood, Mrs. Sophia Leonard of Park Falls and Matt Dworschack of Arcadia. -- Marshfield Herald